Re: About "programmatically determined link context"

I was testing with JAWS 15 with IE 11, and FF29 this morning, and checked
the command to read the current sentence while sitting on a link to get
context. ALT+ NUMPAD5 . It only read the link not the surrounding sentence.
I was testing on the Wikipedia home page where a link was in the sentence.
I also tested the command to read the paragraph CTR+NUMPAD 5 and it worked
fine. This behaviour for both commands was the same in FF29.

The command to read the sentence does not appear to work anymore unless
someone finds differently we should probably remove that from the UA notes
for does not appear to be in any JAWS documentation either.


David MacDonald

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On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 2:03 PM, Sailesh Panchang <>wrote:

> Hello All,
> Ability to "identify the purpose of the link without moving focus from the
> link" is central to the principle of the above term and is expanded upon in
> the understanding doc.
> This is built upon key-combinations to make a screen reader read a
> sentence / paragraph (or the title of the page / application) ... keys that
> users employ routinely across applications including word processing or
> even on a Web page . So these are not obscure key combinations.
> This is the minimum  requirement to understand the link 's purpose in
> context.
> Placing a link in a paragraph or sentence is normal construct; requiring
> one to place aria-labelledby/describedby additionally on contextual content
> is good for more robust / usability but may be needed in some situations
> even to pass SC 2.4.4.
> Definition: "programmatically determined link context":
> Thanks and regards,
> Sailesh

Received on Friday, 23 May 2014 17:13:51 UTC