Re: Aria-labelledby for button: AT support when button is self-identified

Hi Alex,

I looked at what FF (v23.0.1) is exposing using Sailesh's markup.

For the first button <input>, FF exposes an accessible name of "Select 
Policy Whole Life Policy 1".  It's a concatenation of the value of the 
input and the h3 text referenced via aria-labelledby.

Similarly, FF exposes, "Select Policy Term Policy 1" for the second button.

> Question: AT should expose the aria-labelledby i.e. the h3 text and the value attribute of the button in the above example, right?

The AT should relay what the browser is exposing through the 
accessibility API, or at least base their "output" on that.  As Alex, notes:

> However some screen readers do "a little bit
> more" than plain accessible name announcement,


'A: After all, it isn't rocket science.'
'K: Right. It's merely computer science.'
              - J. D. Klaun -

Received on Wednesday, 25 September 2013 15:13:34 UTC