Re: Do buttons need to follow 2.4.4 or 2.4.6?

>James: Are you suggesting that all iconic links such as <a><img >src="appraisal_start.png" alt="Start Appraisal Process"></a> are >violating 4.1.2? Or are
>you stating that only if the link looks like a button (this is very subjective) then it should be a violation?
Sailesh: No I am not talking of general  image links but specifically links at end / start of forms that look like and function like buttons. This does not refer to an org.'s image link for home or product links or other image links. No in my experience this is not subjective  one bit. Every sighted user including them refers to them as the Register button or Next button or whatever and are taken aback when I point out that it is a hyperlink. In fact pull out any Web page at random and I'll bet that if there are two "buttons" at the end of the form, one is indeed coded as a button and one as a link! ... typically Continue and Cancel. It is inexplicable but I see it on so many sites I audit.

Received on Thursday, 4 August 2011 01:25:43 UTC