Re: CSS Parsed Unambiguously

On Sat, Jun 10, 2006 at 08:43:13AM +0200, Johannes Koch wrote:
> Tina Holmboe wrote:
> >  In other words: a stylesheet can be written so poorly that, following
> >  the error correction rules in section 4.2 of CSS 2.1, so many bits
> >  and pieces are left out that contrast and other important
> >  accessibility details suffer ... but as long as it can be parsed
> >  properly it will still meet the SC?
> It will meet SC 4.1.1. It may not meet other SCs (like the one about 
> colour contrast).

  Will it meet SC 4.1.1 and the colour contrast SC IF the CSS file is broken,
  but parseable, and the UA doesn't comply with section 4.2 but instead makes
  an educated, or uneducated, guess as to what should have been in the broken
  parts and, from time to time, gets it right?

  Will it, similarly, not meet the colour contrast SC if the UA gets the
  guess wrong? Will it still meet SC 4.1.1?

  What exactly does these SCs measure? The ability of an UA to parse
  information, or the ability to error correct? Will we end up with
  statements such as

    "This site complies with ... for browser N service pack M, but not
     N service pack K ... "

  because the two versions correct their errors a little bit
  differently - pardon the pun?

 -     Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies (UK) Ltd.        
     +46 708 557 905  

Received on Saturday, 10 June 2006 07:55:11 UTC