Re: Technology specific techniques

Hi Loretta,

On 05/10/05, Loretta Guarino Reid <> wrote:
> And, of course, I'm worried about how the techniques for technologies that
> aren't being reviewed by the working group, such as PDF, fit into this
> scheme. We can't include the PDF techniques in the guide doc, but I want to
> clarify the wording, somehow, so that there is no implication that if a
> technology that isn't listed below, this means that the WG deems that it
> that cannot satisfy the success criterion.

For technologies that aren't being reviewed by the working group,
could we just provide links to relevant techniques (such as PDF
techniques for conformance) in the "related sources" section of the
guide documents?

Best regards,


Supplement your vitamins

Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2005 14:01:53 UTC