RE: WAI Site Redesign Prototype

Hi, good work.
I'm some observation:

* The top bar and the footer is not sufficiently contrasted
* I suggest that all of links are underlined
* The line-height in the top-right box is too lite
* I suggest to insert some accesskey for the main link
* It's my personal opinion that the code outline is erroneous, "Web
Accessibility Initiative (WAI)" it's the first title (
&verbose=1#outline )

Comunication, usability and design:
* The title of menu it tricks the customer whom she believes is a link
* I don't understand the top image of the bridge. What would have to
* The new WAI Logo don't communicate some message, indeed, the colors
indicate dynamics and business communication
* The breadcrumbs is not usefully, I suggest to insert after "You are here:"
* The underline of "Highlights" against the box is not much elegant

* There are many acronym and abbreviation not marked
* In firefox the box model is erroneous, the horizontal scrollbar appears
* The transitional DTD is not a "pure" language raccomandation, I suggest to
use XHTML 1.0 Strict


Luca Mascaro
IWA/HWG Member
W3C HTML and WCAG Working Group Member

Received on Sunday, 3 July 2005 19:50:14 UTC