Re: [#1311] Should we permit multiple labels for one form control?

Message[JMS] I'm not sure I understand why multiple label elements would be
required to meet the need Lisa describes. Notice that a given control is
required can be included within the label tag, for example with an icon (and
appropriate alt text, of course) or through addition of the word "required."
Another option might be to use the title attribute in addition to the label,
though this is not currently well supported

Lisa:  Site are built with many different concerns  -not just fitting into
the WCAG model.
For example site designers may  decide  to use the word "required" after the
form control, and put the form lable before the form control.
The title may already be in use as a tool tip.
They may have use a footnote to important information as to how to fill in
the form control. That may be positioned under the whole form.

Insisting that designers put all the information about a form control in one
place seems to me the wrong approach - it restricts the authors freedom with
no user benefit. Allowing multiple labels has the same effect to the user
but allows for more flexible design.

All the best

Received on Wednesday, 22 December 2004 16:06:35 UTC