Re: WCAG 1.0 - checkpoint 11.4, policy and parallel web sites

Hello Roberto,

> Roberto Scano:
> For different media, different media type for CSS.
> Btw, the point is that the main source for content should be the
> same,giving possibility to present it in different mode: this is
> different instead choose the "text only" or "text mostly" solution.

For a govermentsite, it is of course possible, but I also maintain
fansites and fansites without pictures are not/never a good idea. I also
can have have a fansite for pdas and i-mote with small pictures, logo in
css and short form pages which is also accessible for all other devices
and platforms.

Why should not it be possible to make another version with large
pictures, funfeatures that require wider screens etc, for desktop
computers. Both of course with valide code and being accessible?

Is that really so strange? I don't see what the problem is when both are
device-independent, cross-browser working and accessible.

Ineke van der  Maat

Received on Tuesday, 7 September 2004 15:18:43 UTC