erratum? Re: 04 Feb 2004 - Techniques

According to the CSS specification, as Joe points out, px is a relative unit.
However, unlike the others, it is relative to the user's screen, and not
so readily adjusted - instead of changing font size you have to change your
display settings (or your screen), which I think is more complicated for most

I propose that the results of Tim's work be considered as an erratum on
checkpoint 3.4 to clarify when relative units should be used. (I don't think
it will take weeks, but it's a decent contribution to put in the hours that
it will take).

I propose that we also make an erratum to clarify that the units considered
"relative" in this checkpoint are those relative to the user's font settings
- %, em, ex, but not px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm. As one of the originators of
this checkpoint I certainly meant that, and apologise for having been a bit
sloppy 5 or 6 years ago.



On Wed, 4 Feb 2004, Joe Clark wrote:

>> ACTION: tim go through css spec and create exhaustive list of which
>> properties can be used with absolute vs relative units. (issue 728)
>In any event, I want us all to be very
>clear that px is a relative unit *by spec* and in reality:

Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2004 19:33:00 UTC