[techs] EXTENDED Techniques Teleconference 16 June 2004

The Techniques teleconference is scheduled for Wednesday, 16 June from
14:00 to 16:00 UTC:
  * 16:00 to 18:00 Central Europe
  * 10:00 to 12:00 North American Eastern
  * 7:00 to 9:00 North American Pacific
  * 0:00 to 2:00 (Thursday) Australian Eastern

This call has been extended by 1/2 hour and will be a two hour call.

The conference information is:

Passcode 92248
IRC server irc.w3.org port 6665 channel #wai-wcag


* Finish reviewing revised mapping of HTML techniques to WCAG 2.0 SC
* Assign action items from bugzilla 
* CSS techniques mapping
* Table summary

Received on Tuesday, 15 June 2004 15:51:13 UTC