RE: 1.1 suggestion

 this summarizes several open 1.1 issues and, imho, addresses some of
the ambiguity in the current 1.1 statement.  Personally I would prefer
to not have the difference made between syndicated content and native
content, but this is a summary of many issues and the 'ad content' issue
was one of them. The syndicated content SC is derived from those issues.
Guideline 1.1:
 All non-text content should have a textual alternative explicitly
associated with it.
Level1 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1:
1. For content that is not syndicated from an outside source, e.g. ads,
four conditions must be met:
 * For non-text 'resources' that have no direct bearing on the content
being conveyed a text alternative must be provided with a null value.
This will inform AT that this resource should be ignored.
 * For non-text 'resources' that have iconic or functional use a text
alternative must be provided which details the function of the element.

 * For non-text 'resources' that encode specific information in a
non-verbal form a text alternative must be provided which presents the
encoded information verbally.
 * For non-text 'resources' which encode no specific information, but
are intended to create a sensory experience, a text alternative must be
provided.  This text should convey what the resource is, and what
relevance the resource has to the rest of the content if any.
2. Syndicated content must not:
 * Flash screen reader readable text or otherwise altering text stream
 * Spawn pop up windows
 * Steal or keep keyboard focus
 * Refresh content
Level2 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1:
1. All content including syndicated content must conform to level one
Level3 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1:
1. A text document is provided that includes all important visual
information, dialogue, and other important sounds.
2. Textual alternatives should not require use of a particular sense to
be understandable.  If specific sensory data is referenced in the text,
e.g. 'red' or 'alto', such a reference should not be essential to
understanding the text. 
3. For time based resources a synchronized transcript is provided.

Received on Thursday, 3 June 2004 19:48:07 UTC