WCAG Bugzilla Upgrade FYI

Hi All,

Just an FYI that the WCAG Bugzilla [1] Upgrade is now complete. Notable
improvements resulting from the Bugzilla upgrade include improved query, search
and reporting features as well as a number of changes to the fields in the
database and Web interface that (hopefully) better reflect the terminology we
have been using in processing open issues. 


1.) This version of Bugzilla includes a simplified search form that is available
as a tab ("find specific issue") off the main search page. This interface allows
you to sort by status (open, closed or both), by product (ex. WCAG 2.0 or
Techniques) and provides a keyword field that searches all fields in the
database. This should make it easier to find specific issues.

2.) If you find yourself searching for the same types of issues on a regular
basis, you can more easily enter a name and use the "remember search" feature at
the bottom of the results list. Saved searches will appear at the bottom of the
page when you are logged in.

3.) Reports are much more flexible than they have been in the past. You can use
the Reporting and Charting Kitchen [2] to create tabular and graphical reports
of issues. Options for reporting output include HTML tables, CSV files, pie
charts, bar charts and line graphs.  

Please let me know if you have any questions about the changes that were made or
run into any problems resulting from the upgrade. I've also updated the WCAG
Bugzilla User's Guide [3] and A Bug's Life Cycle [4]. These resources describe
in greater detail the changes I've made to the database fields and interface.



[1] http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/ 
[2] http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/report.cgi 
[3] http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/bugzilla_use.htm 
[4] http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/bug_status.html 

Ben Caldwell | <caldwell@trace.wisc.edu>
Trace Research and Development Center <http://trace.wisc.edu>   

Received on Tuesday, 11 May 2004 20:00:23 UTC