Aggregators Re: Example: Real-time feed of satellite photos

On Wed, 5 May 2004, Donald F. Evans wrote:

>This is similar to the problem I face at AOL.  How does a content aggregator
>conform to these standards?

Naturally enough, by only publishing content that conforms to them :-)

Seriously, the real issue for a content aggregator is how to know whether
something conforms. Here, EARL is designed to help. The obvious way is by
providing detailed machine-processable conformance statements, so you can
make decisions automatically, based on pre-determined criteria (a bit like
PICS is used for content selection, but more powerful for this particular

For example, you may simply publish the information along with references to
the EARL, declaring the conformance status for each piece of content rather
than the entire content necessarily conforming to a particular level. On the
positive side, this includes noting that some content far exceeds your usual
minimum requirement...

Or you may decide only to publish stuff that has a minimal conformance
profile - and this may or may not be restricted to accessibility.  (For
example, it is easy to rewrite PICS services to RDF, and you might use one
tool to then select on several types of criteria, including accessibility).

Another feature of EARL is that by design it includes information on who made
the conformance statement, giving you a base to do quality control on your
information, by determining whose statements you trust, mistrust, or



Received on Wednesday, 5 May 2004 10:39:54 UTC