Re: Links from Yvette

Hello Yvette,

When you  validate the map-example you mentioned, it simply does not

# Line 139, column 12: document type does not allow element "A" here;
missing one of "P", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "PRE", "DIV",

  [<A href="#">Site map</A>]

# Line 139, column 25: character data is not allowed here

  [<A href="#">Site map</A>]

# Line 140, column 5: end tag for "MAP" which is not finished



When you mention examples, please validate before [priority2] . The
whole mentioned page has 26 errors. Nice for an organisation that
asserts to teach people about accessibility and  how to validate their

Ineke van der Maat

Received on Sunday, 10 August 2003 05:21:45 UTC