Re: [171] accessible rebroadcasts

On 21/06/2003 7:39 AM, Joe Clark at wrote:
> I think we need to bite the bullet and say that every piece of online
> video that contains a soundtrack (I could think of very unusual
> exceptions) must be captioned. But I think that guideline could be
> implemented differently. I think there should be a two-year grace
> period before it kicks in. Until that point, providing any amount of
> captioned video on a site would qualify you. After that point, all
> new video must be posted with captions. The no-backsliding rule could
> supersed that requirement in limited cases.
> *However*, it should be permissible to post an uncaptioned version
> for a short or "reasonable" time while the captions are being
> prepared. The CBC News Online example does this-- uncaptioned clip
> first, captioned clip later. It all gets posted the same day. It's
> unequal, but the inequality is not, in my opinion, important in all
> cases.

This would also help live broadcasters.

I imagine that most live broadcasters do not have the facilities to caption
as they go.  However, they could caption a short or "reasonable" time

Jonathan O'Donnell
04 2575 5829

Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2003 19:06:05 UTC