Re: Action item: proposed rewording for Checkpoint 4.2, Criterion 1

With thanks to John and Cynthia for completing this action item so expeditiously, my
comments appear below.

John M Slatin writes:
 > 1.    The Web resource includes a list of the technologies users must
 > have in order for its content to work as intended.  Users who do not
 > have some of these technologies can still access and use the resource,
 > though the experience may be degraded.

I agree with Gregg: this is better than the original wording, putting
aside the question of whether checkpoint 4.2 should be included in the
guidelines at all, which I acknowledge remains an open issue.

I assume you intend "some" in the above proposal to mean "at least
one". Is this potentially ambiguous? Should it be clarified, for
example by saying "at least one of these technologies" or "one or more
of these technologies"?

Whoever interprets "some" as meaning "more than one" will argue that
content for which there is only one such technology, i.e., a
technology the non-availability of which does not cause the content to
become inoperable, doesn't meet the success criterion.

Received on Thursday, 19 June 2003 05:23:54 UTC