[techs] Summary of teleconference 4 June 2003


Ben Caldwell
Wendy Chisholm
Michael Cooper
Roberto Ellero
Richard Ishida
Chris Ridpath
Roberto Scano


1. Discussion of the view created by Richard Ishida [1]
  - Outline view and full techniques view with cross references
  - Further information links
  - Browser support information

We saw a lot of potential to use/adapt this view in the checklists. A lot of
the technical implementation was of interest as well, and we discussed ways
to emulate approaches and share resources.

2. Issues lists

We reviewed the status of copying issues lists into Bugzilla. Most the the
HTML issues have been copied, but one is yet to be completed and we haven't
done CSS. 

3. Tables 

We discussed tables, focusing on the proposals Chris made [2] and a couple
sample tables he had prepared [3]. A lively discussion. Michael will attempt
to reformulate the proposals on the basis of this discussion.


* Ben: send Richard suggestions for accessibility of document and script
* Wendy: make sure the script (cleaned up) is available somewhere once it
stabilizes - for use in the documents and as example of accessible script
* Wendy & Richard: synch up WCAG and I18N DTDs
* Wendy & Michael: explore what we can do with DTD
* Wendy: finish moving HTML and CSS issues into Bugzilla
* Michael: send new layout/data table proposals first to Chris, then group
* Wendy: Send request to XHTML WG to clarify table issues in XHTML 2.0;
invite them to be in next week's meeting (forward the proposal I will make
to WCAG group)
* Everyone: check their bugs and make sure their status is correct.

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2003AprJun/0226.html
[2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2003AprJun/0202.html
[3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2003AprJun/0249.html

Michael Cooper
Accessibility Project Manager
1 Hines Rd
Kanata, ON  K2K 3C7
+1 613 599 3888 x4019

Received on Wednesday, 4 June 2003 23:20:32 UTC