Guideline 1 and Checkpoint 1.1. Items for comment.


Below I have included the next draft of the parts of checkpoint 1.1 which
have been altered as a result of re-drafting and discussion.  Items inside
braces {} are issues for specific comments or discussion.  Please correct me
if I have any of this wrong re today's teleconference.

Guideline 1 - Perceivable
Ensure that all intended function and information can be presented in
form(s) that can be perceived by any user.
{Here I have removed the "... except those aspects which cannot be expressed
in words." What do we think of this?}

Checkpoint 1.1   For all non-text content provide a text equivalent, or, if
the content cannot be expressed in words, provide an identifying text label.

Success Criteria

You will have successfully met Checkpoint 1.1 at the Minimum Level if:
1. Non-text content that can be expressed in words has a text equivalent
explicitly associated with it.
2. Non-text content that cannot be expressed in words has an identifying
text label explicitly associated with it.
{In the current working draft, we have a sub-point inside 1. above, which
states: "The text equivalent should fulfil the same function as the author
intended for the non-text content (i.e. it presents all of the intended
information and/or achieves the same function of the non-text content)."  As
Greg's Highlights email suggests, have we agreed to get rid of that and
leave it for level 2?}

You will have successfully met Checkpoint 1.1 at Level 2 if:
1.  If a text-equivalent has been used, it has been reviewed and is believed
to fulfil the same function as the author intended for the non-text content
(i.e. it presents all of the intended information and/or achieves the same
function of the non-text content).
2.  If an identifying text label has been used, it has been reviewed and is
believed to convey as much of the function and meaning of the non-text
content as possible to match the authors intent.

You will have successfully met Checkpoint 1.1 at Level 3 if:
(Presently no additional criteria for this level).

The following are additional ideas for enhancing a site along this
particular dimension:
(Presently no additional criteria for this level).

Definitions (informative)

A text equivalent:
* Serves the same function as the non-text content was intended to serve.
* Communicates the same information as the non-text content was intended to
* May contain structured content.

An identifying text label
* Is a text label used when a text equivalent cannot be used because the
non-text content is such that it cannot be expressed in words.
* Serves as much of the function of the non-text content as possible.
* May contain structured content.

Note: Text-equivalents and identifying text labels should be easily
convertible to Braille or speech, displayed in a larger font or different
colours, fed to language translators or abstracting software, etc.

Received on Thursday, 7 November 2002 19:11:36 UTC