FW: Query about support for Hebrew





Dear Gregg,

Further to Judy's reference to our company, Melingo, which is a
subsidiary of Britannica Israel, and the leader in Natural Language
Processing for semitic languages & computational linguistics, has
developed a Hebrew TTS engine - Kolan. Kolan is able to read hebrew
texts with or without vowels at an extremely high degree of accuracy
(average accuracy is over 98%).


The problem of hebrew is quite complex, and together with Arabic poses
the greatest challenge for speech synthesis (as well as for many other
applications such as data search & retrieval). Kolan overcomes the
problems of morphological complexity, lack of vowels, and ambiguity, by
incorporating a context sensitive morphological analyzer, together with
a full inventory (a dictionary) of the hebrew language, as well as a
soundex system that deals with names and non-hebrew words. Of course all
this is transparent to the user of the applications that we have created
for Kolan.


As to applications, Kolan is incorporated into several, such as a screen
reader for people with learning disabilities or impaired vision (sold
for $826), or as a web site owner's tool that enables within minutes the
creation of an accurate reading of the entire site, that can then be
activated by the client (sold for $2950). Kolan is already incorporated
also into telecom applications especially in the field of unified
messaging. All of the above applications are already commercially
available, and of course additional applications can be and are being


I would be happy to be of further assistance, should you so require.


Leon Paull

Product Manager

Melingo Ltd

Tel: +972-3-6070423, cell: +972-54-646201

Fax: +972-3-6070401




Melingo is a subsidiary of Britannica.com Israel




Received on Wednesday, 18 September 2002 01:14:42 UTC