1.6 revisited

We left the checkpoint 1.6 success criteria of
  1.. symbols such as diacritic marks that are found in standard usage of
the natural language of the content, and necessary for unambiguous
interpretation of words, are present or another standard mechanism for
disambiguation is provided.

  as level two  until I had done more research . I now consider that action
item as done, although clearly it is an open ended and developing situation.

I propose to move this success criteria up to level one.

(again, the reasoning is up at http://ubaccess.com/Hebrew-access.html)

to make this easer on a web authors we may need PF to request meta data
option that allows for partial vowels, and browser defaults to not having
them  viewable.

This may also be appropriate solution for Cynthia concern that vowels can be
considered unprofessional in Russian.

All the best,

Lisa Seeman

UnBounded Access

Widen the World Web


Received on Wednesday, 4 September 2002 12:02:03 UTC