Fwd: Device Independence workshop + document

The Device Independence Working Group is organizing a public workshop on Device Independent Authoring Techniques on 25-26 September SAP University in St. Leon-Rot, Germany.

Further details are available in the Call for Participation:

As input to the workshop, and as a means of inviting early comments on the Device Independence Working Group work, they have published an informal draft of a document on Authoring Scenarios for Device Independence:

They are looking for feedback from several groups, including the WAI groups.  We are scheduling a joint teleconference with them for the near future.

If people are interested in attending the workshop and have questions that are not answered in the Call for Participation, please let me know.


wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium 
web accessibility initiative
seattle, wa usa

Received on Monday, 5 August 2002 20:23:18 UTC