Re: Checkpoint 4.4 Review

Me between the *'s

1 – I think the checkpoint could be worded more
straightforwardly.    Perhaps

Checkpoint 4.4 --  Ensure that content is usable with
default user agent settings and no plug-ins. 

*The wording doesn't work for me, it's too loose +
difficulty of defining 'default'*

Checkpoint 4.4   Ensure that all content is readable
and all function (other than artistic) is preserved
when stylistic and scripting technologies are not
supported or are turned off.   

*This is closer for me, but think it needs some
tweaking. For example, see Jim Thatcher's page [1] on
Scripts and Applets and Section 508.
I would agree with his analysis of a fly-over menu 

'If content is exposed with the onMouseOver event for a
link, then for your site to meet the Section 508
requirement for scripts, that content must be available
elsewhere, preferable prominently displayed on the page
that is opened by that link.'

To me this is accessible.

The functionality is not preserved (it can't be) but
there is 'equivalent availability'.

So I would prefer something like

*Ensure that all content remains available when
stylistic and scripting technologies are not supported
or are turned off.*


[1] -

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Received on Monday, 18 February 2002 04:57:57 UTC