RE: new draft is up

On Wed, 26 Jun 2002, Ben Caldwell wrote:

  Hi Lisa,

  According to the minutes from June 6th
  (, there were no
  objections to moving forward with publication on this checkpoint.

CMN I had been under the impression that consensus wasdetermined on the list,
based on decisions of meetings. I admit that I have not been an active member
of the group recently, but could someone please clarify if this is the case?
(Not that it has any material effect here, just that it seems unclear).

  As indicated in the reviewer's note at the end of checkpoint 4.1 in the
  new draft, there is an outstanding action item for Gregg and I to
  compile a list of ideas related to 4.1. This list will serve as a basis
  for future discussion related to evolving this checkpoint.

I would suggest as a basis the well compiled information recently posted to
the list on this topic under the title "all together" by Lisa:



Received on Thursday, 27 June 2002 20:04:04 UTC