[CSS-TECHS] Font Techniques Page Uploaded for WCAG 2.0 CSS Techni ques

Hi all;

I've uploaded a page with CSS font properties, it is available at:
http://www.jomiller.com/css/joel/techniques_font.htm. However, to coin a
phrase, "Houston we have a problem".

The problem are the screenshots: if you view the page with the techniques
it's impossible to take a single screen shot of that page due to its size.
If I break the CSS properties up and take screen shots from just those,
we'll have dozens and dozens of images per property (figuring one image each
for the 10 browser, multiplied by how ever many screen shots to accomodate
all the properties broken up logically). Still, some of the images will be
so large we'll have to shrink them, thereby diluting the visual impact of
properties that modify font sizes.

Any thoughts about the screen shot problem? Finally, any feedback on my
stuff so far is greatly appreciated - before I get too deep in this stuff
and have to go back and retrofit a few thousand lines of HTML and CSS <grin>


Joel Sanda
Product Manager
Product Engineering & Technology
joels@ecollege.com <mailto:joels@ecollege.com>
p 303.873.7400 x3021
f  303.632.1721

Received on Wednesday, 14 November 2001 15:05:10 UTC