Re: Conformance Ideas Collection #2

Lisa wrote:
> We also found an accessibility problem when using AA in that some screen
> reader reads it, making it sound the same a triple A.

Yes -- this is why use of "A", "AA" (that's two As) etc is a bad idea.
If we have to have a WCAG 1.0-style compliance scheme at all, let's just
call the minimum level "C", non-compliance "F", and higher compliance
is "B" and "A".  This mimics the American (and perhaps other) school
system style of grades.

Of course that means that anyone who said "Single-A compliance with
WCAG is our policy" must now recode to Triple-A standards but, hey, is
that an entirely bad thing? :)


Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2001 10:57:40 UTC