Re: WCAG In Haiku; From William's Terse Version; Hope These Are Helpful


         Great poem .... I've added a verse ..... <grin>


At 04:16 PM 8/22/01 +0100, Sean B. Palmer wrote:
>A) Presentation
>When you have non-text
>Provide text equivalents.
>Text repurposes
>Reveal the structure.
>Logical order is good
>Showing it, better
>Use presentation!
>Clarify and emphacize
>Paint form on data
>B) Interaction
>Assist the users;
>Allow the user control
>Of access and search
>Make things consistent
>Consistency's a good thing
>Don't confuse users
>Give user control
>For changing views of pages
>The user laughs last
>C) Comprehension
>Write clear and simple
>As much as appropriate
>This is common sense

Illustrate your content
Make it simple and clear
Users will return.

>Break information
>Into manageable chunks
>Easier to use
>Outline and index
>Illustrate and summarize
>Organize your work!
>D) Technology
>When writing pages
>Use accessible markup
>Like W3C stuff
>Don't abuse markup
>Follow specifications.
>There for a reason
>Transform gracefully
>People still use old browsers
>Use new, support old
>Appendix 1) References and Acknowledgements
>William's terse thing
>Is available at
>And really kicks-ass
>Kindest Regards,
>Sean B. Palmer
>@prefix : <> .
>:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Anne Pemberton

Received on Wednesday, 22 August 2001 18:05:11 UTC