Re: class use (notional vs. blindless grouping)

At 04:51 PM 2001-08-11 , Sean B. Palmer wrote:
>> I would suggest instead it read
>>    <LI class="new">Roth IRA <SPAN
>> class="new">New</SPAN></LI>
>I would suggest that it read:-
>   <ins><li>Roth IRA <ins>New</ins></li></ins>
>per the HTML specification :-) The <ins> element also lets you add a
>date attribute to say what date the insertion was made.


Close, but no cigar.

INS indicates a change in the document.

The 'new' class indicates a change in the commercial offering of the merchant.

These may be synchronized, or they may not.


PS:  What would you suggest for an example -- based on semantics that are
current web cliches -- which calls for two 'class' tokens?

>Kindest Regards,
>Sean B. Palmer
>@prefix : <<>> .
>:Sean :hasHomepage <<>> .

Received on Saturday, 11 August 2001 17:39:40 UTC