Re: Terminology for Pictures and Stuff (was: Revised List)


	I don't think it would be as clear to the reader to say include "exhibits"
with your document to aide understanding, so much as to say include
illustrations and tables to aide understanding. Then we would have
techniques for the ilustrations as graphics, and techniques for the tables,
as tables. 

	Oh, this week I started turning the kids loose on my Links page ( ) ... and the second graders are using
it very well. Staying where I want them to stay, and navigating enough to
keep their interest. Most of them went to the Martin Luther King page or
the Israel page, but some chose to revisit the older holiday pages, and
some kids even scrolled down and visited the White House, or the
Rainforest. Several children listened all the way through all three of
King's speeches on the page! Several others did the same with the music on
the Israel page ... 

	I tried it a few times with the first graders, but they needed much more
help knowing what to do, since they cannot read even the short words the
second graders handle well. There is nothing I've got linked that will hold
the interest of the Kindergartners unless I do it as a group lesson one
week and see what happens the next. 

	Got a beautiful letter from the teacher in Israel I'm working with about
the web site. Seems our interest in a tiny country half way around the
world is touching <grin>! Actually, I am also touched by how open the
children are to learning about different cultures. This month they start
learning "formal" history ... studying Ancient China, then Ancient Egypt
... And this batch of kids will start these studies already comfortable
with the concept of cultural differences ... 


At 02:39 PM 1/4/01 -0800, William Loughborough wrote:
>At 05:25 PM 1/4/01 -0800, Anne Pemberton wrote:
>>I think the term "illustrations" captures the intent that we are referring 
>>to drawing, photos, and perhaps graphical models, perhaps graphs, but 
>>tables will need quite different techniques.
>I think the idea is that "exhibit" is a superset of all those. So that 
>illustrations are one form of exhibit?
Anne L. Pemberton
Enabling Support Foundation

Received on Thursday, 4 January 2001 18:10:05 UTC