Re: WHat makes Icons accessible or not?

Charles icons,


1. What can we offer a low vision user? 
  Something like click on the icon to get a bigger view?
  Or link to a page which describes what they are all about
  with text and images?

2. For a blind user, need both explicit alt text, and header explaining
  the (apparently) useless images, why they are there etc?

General (personal comment). If they are all on one page, they would
be more aesthetically pleasing if all the same size.

I have nominal to crap vision, and I'm OK with the larger ones.
I'd suggest that size is not too intrusive, yet is very clear in
terms of the visual content.

Just my 0.02Euro worth.

Regards DaveP

Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2001 06:16:31 UTC