Re: Compliance matrix (Was: Re: Organizing WCAG 2.0)

On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, Robert Neff wrote:

  wendy, can you pls cross post this to the authoring and user agent groups.
CMN I will direct the Authoring Tool group to this discussion. Can you post
me an HTML table version of your spreadsheet?

  i also think it should be mandatory that all authoring tools should have the
  w3c html validator in their tool.  so far only alliare for cold fusion does.
  i have suggested this to microdft in dallas.
Actually there are a number of other validating editors - a couple that I
have used recently are asWedit and Amaya. XML editors also normally offer
validation, so creating valid XHTML is easy with such tools.

Charles McCN

Received on Sunday, 27 August 2000 21:43:44 UTC