request to re-join

Given Name: Gregory J.
Family Name: Rosmaita
Email Address:
Office Telephone Number: +1 201 521 0527
Employer / Organization: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group of New York

Indicate whether your organization is a W3C Member: No

Area of interest: (Non W3C members please state area of expertise)

[X] develop Web content on a regular basis,

[X] work with people with disabilities who use the Web,

[X] have a disability and regularly use the Web,

[X] instruct [advise] people on developing Web content,

[X] or have general usability, development, or accessibility knowledge

[X] I have read the WC Guidelines Working Group Charter dated 2000/01/22 and
agree to the participation criteria therein, but may not be able to attend all
F2F meetings other than CSUN 2000, depending on location.
(Note: date in footer of charter i reviewed before sending this is: 2000/01/24)

Intellectual Property Rights (check one):

[X] To the best of my knowledge, I believe my organization does not have any
IPR claims regarding guidelines for the accessibility of Web content.

[ ] To the best of my knowledge, I believe my organization has the following
IPR claims regarding guidelines for the accessibility of Web content.
(Please specify) 
He that lives on Hope, dies farting
     -- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1763
Gregory J. Rosmaita <>
   WebMaster and Minister of Propaganda, VICUG NYC

Received on Thursday, 3 February 2000 15:58:32 UTC