RE: A "one size fits all" personalized web page?

Scott Luebking wrote:
> Using XML/XSL to dynamically generate web pages to send to the
> server makes more sense than applying style sheets to HTML.

That depends on the nature of one's site.  Is your web content server fast,
in-house, and have a high speed persistent connection to the Internet?  Do
you have an IT shop to at set up (and maintain) dynamic pages and database
driven content?  Does your content change all that much or is it fairly
static?  How much content are we talking about, multi-kilobytes or

I think your argument makes sense, but only once an organization has grown
to the point that they have decided to move to a *WHOLELY* database-driven /
dynamically-generated-content (.asp, .cfm, .cgi) architecture.

-- Bruce Bailey

Received on Thursday, 20 January 2000 08:54:29 UTC