FLUFF: Designate an image as a link for a website

At 11:12 AM 4/10/2000 , Jonathan Chetwynd wrote:
>you forgot mine I hope you all have a little pussy staring out of your
>bookmarks at night.


No, I was going to say something here, but I decided not to.
Sometimes my better judgment -does- win out.

Kynn Bartlett  <kynn@idyllmtn.com>                   http://www.kynn.com/
Director of Accessibility, edapta                  http://www.edapta.com/
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet      http://www.idyllmtn.com/
AWARE Center Director                         http://www.awarecenter.org/
Next of Kynn: a quasi-regular web log           http://www.kynn.com/next/

Received on Monday, 10 April 2000 14:40:04 UTC