Re: Graphics, conventions, and orientation (to the UI mechanics)

I think your suggestions are OK. In particular W3C needs a graphics
department now. It is a hugely ambitious project, but if WAI doesn't start
it will be left behind. For all some members comments the age of graphics is
upon us.

Italo Calvino wrote "The millenium which is about to end has been the
millenium of the novel"b

It is very important to be able to customise an interface, and that, on
opening a new package, only the minimum essentials are displayed.

The lead in to a new product is usually horrendous, as we all have

Golive4 is particularly difficult, it tries to be everything, but has  not
organised its 'professions' yet.

Painter Classic has only one use but far too many tools to start with.


Your point about the relation of tools/graphics is well made.
msPaint is a simple tool but it has no (poor) relation to other tools ie
gif, jpeg.

Linux has great promise in this area, as by keeping source open it in theory
only allows better scaling, ie barrier crossing.


scrollbars are hell, someone wrote they took us back about 2000 years, ie to
Physically and cognitively disabled have a problem. And the content is not

W3C members need to understand that for a large percentage a small thing is
blocking access.

Please send us links to your favourite websites.
Our site is a drive thru.
When you see a link of interest, click on it.
Move the mouse to slow down.
It is a graphical aid to browsing the www.
We value your comments.

Received on Sunday, 18 July 1999 12:27:49 UTC