PRI - 0 Proposed Recommendation Comments Intro

Hi All

The proposed recommendation review period is over.  We have received a
number of comments from the W3C Advisory Committee Members  (here-in-after
referred to as AC Members) which we need to consider and address.  I'll
leave it to Judy Brewer to explain the process officially (and correctly).
But basically, we need to review these comments and then provide advice to
the director (Tim) who will make the final decision about a) whether this
goes to final recommendation and b) whether any (and which) changes would be
made to it.

We have posted a number of suggestions for small editorial and clarification
changes.  We also have a couple changes that might include re-wording of
checkpoint or shifting of priority.  In one case we needed to change a
guideline to agree with a part of HTML 4.0 for example.  You can look at the
change log to see what has been discussed there.

Right now our priority is on addressing the comments made by the W3C AC
Members - and to provide our advice to Tim as to what should be done with

We will post each issue raised by the AC Members in a separate email with a
distinct subject line to facilitate discussion on the list.

Each will start with PRI-Number.   Representing Proposed Recommendation
Issue and a reference number.

 If you have any general questions about this process you can use this memo
and PRI-0 as the thread.

Oh yes.  I almost forgot.  We need to complete this recommendation process
by Tuesday the 27th (tomorrow).  There will be a GL conf call on Tuesday and
we need to have things wrapped up and documented by Wednesday.

Soooooo.. get your comments in quick.

Thanks much

The Editors and Chairs et al.

Received on Monday, 26 April 1999 12:02:21 UTC