Re: Images, scripts and applets in OBJECT

From memory, what I found to be misleading in this case was that OBJECT
elements were explicitly mentioned only in the context of "images, scripts
and applets" and the need for long descriptions. The intended result,
however, is that whether an image be embedded with IMG or OBJECT, some
kind of textual alternative must be provided (via ALT or the content of
OBJECT). In most cases it is sufficient for this to consist of a short
label, but in some cases a longer discursive alternative is needed.

If I have misread the guidelines, then my comment in this respect may be
irrelevant. I haven't had time to read the techniques document yet, in
which the use of OBJECT to convey labels (similar to ALT text) may well be
explained, or at least ought to be.

Received on Thursday, 17 September 1998 19:51:24 UTC