Re: ALT text

In article <E3A3FFB80F5CD1119CED00805FBECA2F013BBD48@red-msg->, "Charles (Chuck) Oppermann"
<> writes
>ALT and TITLE are pigeon holes for information.  The meaning of these
>placeholders should not be distorted because of the way current browsers
>present the information.

Irrespective of the fact that the "meaning of the placeholders" is not,
IMO, being distorted, by implication you're saying that backwards
compatibility is irrelevant?

>Just because a certain browser presents the ALT attribute in a certain way
>doesn't mean we should distort the meaning of ALT to fit.

Again, there is no distortion AFAICS. ALTernative means "replacement".

>It's hard enough to get people to use ALT as is.

True. And for those who _do_ use it, there's no surer way to discourage
them from doing so in the future than to arbitrarily alter the meaning,
which would require... thousands? hundreds of thousands? of pages of
current content to be redesigned to fit the new meaning.

>ALT/TITLE/LONGDESC have to be clearly defined.

Agreed! Otherwise we get <a href="
tooltips.html">BAD</a> implementations :(
Colin Reynolds, The Net Effect (World Wide) Ltd
Tel: +44 (0)1246 450 901
Fax: +44 (0)1246 450 902

Received on Monday, 9 February 1998 07:51:52 UTC