Re: EARL for all passed but ...

On Sun, 14 Sep 2003, Jim Ley wrote:

> Is there a mechanism for saying that all tests in a suite were passed, other
> than the listed ones, I'm currently looking at something which might have
> many of thousands of tests, of which 95% will be passed, a certain few
> however won't, as long as they were tested, the passes aren't that
> interesting (I'll expect them to pass) so don't want them filling up my
> triple store etc.

ISTM your problem is in what is defined to be your test suite.
If you want some tests to run but ignore the outcome, then derive a
new test suite that defines every possible outcome as a pass for
selected tests.

Or am I missing the point?  It's past my bedtime ....

Nick Kew

In urgent need of paying work - see

Received on Sunday, 14 September 2003 22:12:14 UTC