RE: Selling the product

And Curt jumps in 5/6ths of the way through after not realizing what this thread was about until the last moment.

What I think would be a coup for EARL on test reporting would be if EARL support could be integrated into JUnit (or other xUnit derivatives) in a non-disruptive manner.  Basically, with a future
release of JUnit, any existing test suite could have its results reported in EARL via a command-line option.

The first hurdle would be providing a URI for the test.  If a URI for the test was not specified, one could be generated from the class and method name using the java: protocol described at  I don't know of a method to generate an URL for a specific assertion, but the current asserts could have a new variant that takes a user-supplied as an
argument.  I guess the target of the test could be specified on a command line or in the user interface.

Has anyone had any interaction with the JUnit community?

Of course, all of the proceeding is downstream of the DOM TS effort.

Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2001 20:11:35 UTC