RE: Using RDF to describe DOM tests

Could someone throw off a quick sample of what an RDF in XML
using EARL (and Dublin Core or other appropriate Ontology)
for my little sample DOM test suite

It would be good to see how an experienced EARL guru would 
represent some fictional descriptions and history of 
test evaluations.  A previous novice attempt using DCMES
is at

How would you represent that a test was accepted (or rejected)
by a specific authority (such as the DOM WG)?

I did not mention that individual assertions
in a test case are also addressable by a fragment URI.

Any comments on whether to embed RDF within the test 
definitions or to keep the metadata in a separate file?

Also, is the XML Schema conformance test group aware, considering
or using EARL?

Any XML Schema for EARL?

I assume that EARL 0.95 is not available to nonmembers at this time.
Any time frame for its availability.

Is the primer document available?

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2001 14:54:25 UTC