Semantic EARL?

At GL we may be moving towards a general set of "principles" (mappable to, 
at present, 4 guidelines) that rely heavily on the idea that Web material 
should contain Semantics (whatever that means!) permitting adequate 
repurposing and control by or on behalf of the user, particularly the user 
with disabilities.

Is there some way for EARL to evaluate if this charge has been answered?

The current brouhaha is about "distraction" as a device for everything from 
improving communication to diverting attention from what's *really 
important*. Can we think of a way to ferret out the presence/absence of 
semantics relating to (on the plus side) illustration vs. the (minus side) 
typical "click here" banner ad?


Received on Monday, 12 March 2001 08:35:43 UTC