Request to Join

Given Name: Katie

Family Name:  Haritos-Shea

Email Address:

Office Telephone Number: 703-605-6426

Employer / Organization:  NTIS US Dept. of Commerce

Indicate whether your organization is a W3C Member: no

Area of interest: (Non W3C members please state area of expertise)

[ ] develop evaluation, repair, or transformation tools,

Please indicate the tools you have worked on and which languages you are
familiar with.
[*] develop Web content on a regular basis,

[*] regularly review Web content for accessibility issues,

[*]or have general usability, development, or accessibility knowledge

[*] I have read the Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group Charter and
agree to the participation criteria therein (please indicate the revision
date of the charter, e.g., 2000/01/21).

Intellectual Property Rights (check one):

[*] To the best of my knowledge, I believe my organization does not have any
IPR claims regarding evaluation and repair tools for accessible Web content.

[ ] To the best of my knowledge, I believe my organization has the following
IPR claims regarding evaluation and repair tools for accessible of Web
content. (Please specify)

**********I would like to offer to take over the updating, and now
correcting, of the Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group, or whatever it
is being called, including minutes updates, etc...................or is this
group going to meld with another??********************

Katie Haritos-Shea
11809 Waples Mill Road
Oakton, Virginia

Mobile: 571-220-7777

WAI Glossary

PDF Techniques for WCAG

Received on Sunday, 10 June 2001 21:26:30 UTC