minutes 27 august 2001

present: chris, william, wendy, sean, katie

regrets: daniel, harvey

summary of action items and resolutions:
- Resolved: one day enough for F2F, invite PF.
- Action SBP; Combine intro and overview. include questions chris asked 
while working on ATR and SBP's answers.
- Action WC: move intro/faq to ER space from list archive.
- Discuss EARL primer at next meeting.  Try to send something to EO by end 
of Sept.
- Resolved: next meeting 17 Sept due to U.S. holiday on 3 Sept and WCAG 
mtgs in Seattle on 10 Sept.


HTML Tidy accessibility checks

WL In some sense tidy already doing accessibility stuff, like moving 
styling into structural elements.

CR Right, summaries of tables and alt-text.

WL Have you used xml spy?  If editing in it and modify file elsewhere, it 
lets you know. It is probably one of the best xhtml editors.  You can 
download a 30 day trial. Puts tree struct on one side, all possible elements.

SBP Better than amaya?

WL It's more finished. Less switching around.

KHS haven't had a chance to look at it yet. Did look at RetroAccess.

WC Josh done with test files? Updated?

CR Yes, want a permanent place to store.

WC Still checking.

WL Is everything published on W3C site are tidied?

WC All TR publications.  Most everyone else who publishes uses Amaya.


WC Is one day enough?  Who will be able to make it?

SBP I will be there.

CR Won't likely be able to.  Could phone in.

WL What needed so you can?

CR Time and money.

WC Therefore one day likely enough.

WL Also get al, charles, and daniel.

WC And Robert from Hiawatha, Giorgio from Usable net.

WL Also invite Dave.

WC Right, anyone from PF.

Resolved: one day enough for F2F, invite PF.

Send EARL to EO

WC Reason? To give to someone to see if someone non-technical can 
understand or if they can make something non-technical out of it?

WL Same thing.

CR Have them repair a report. That would show they understand it.  Can they 
take EARL and present a report?  In a human readable form.

WL There is EARL to HTML transform?

SBP Not yet.

CR Going through the document, it would have been hard w/out Sean's help to 
output the EARL correctly.

WL What does the primer purport to do? Explain what is or how to use it?

CR Doesn't say how to use.

WC LK wrote user scenarios, write into this more?

WL This all presupposes certain level of knowledge.  Don't know how to make 
EARL assertions w/out a program to put info into.

CR Needs to be a practical use for it.  If EO got it and tried to promote 
EARL, they would have to have a reason why.

WL There has to be an "it" for them.  "it" can only be used by 4 people.

CR We're trying to promote EARL. How can we show its usefulness.

WL Fill in the blanks interface that takes English assertions and makes 
EARL assertions.  Can I make assertions about Web pages.

WC EARL Bookmarklet.

SBP Convert people's input to EARL then tools that will process it, like 
CWM.  Then merge 2 EARL reports.

WL When we send something to EO it has an ABC thing...put page into 
bookmarklet, have output of RDF, looks like greek, but makes sense to some 
people and machines. There will be something to convert into English.  They 
have to be able to try something.

SBP ATR makes assertions about a tool.

WL I want to send something to EO that is not a status report on what EARL 
can do someday, but show them what it can do today.

/* discussion about what is needed */

Action SBP; Combine intro and overview. include questions chris asked while 
working on ATR and SBP's answers.

Action WC: move intro/faq to ER space from list archive.

Discuss at next meeting, 17 Sept.  Try to send something to EO by end of Sept.
wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative
seattle, wa usa

Received on Monday, 27 August 2001 10:41:45 UTC