Re: Chicken/egg and the "meanwhile problem"

> >Do you want me to proceed and write an RDF Schema for it?
> Write away!

Er...I predicted what you would say and wrote one (actually, I got bored and
wrote one!). What do you think of it (assuming you just got it)?

> Remember that "right away" is more important than being "way
> right".

Well, if right away is before you even ask me to do it...seriously it's
always nice to be doing something of value.

> I notice that rdf-interest (don't know about the *real* rdf group

That is the real group. RDF is A Recomendation, and RDF Schema is close. RDF
IG is just abou the only general RDF forum there is right now!

> Unless there's a genuine *fatal flaw* in having a separate profile
> resource, I can't see why we need to wait much.

No flaw, it's just a bit hacky for now (I was about to send this to RDF
Maybe it was a bit naive of me to suggest XHTML can be used as an RDF looks as though RDF/XML are for data, and XHTML is for
documents/language. If someone wants to work on the rather fuzzy area
between documents and data, then great, but it's quite hard.
1. Add RDF to XHTML
2. Link to RDF from XHTML
3. Use XHTML as RDF
4. Transform XHTML into RDF
1 doesn't work because it won't validate (yet!), 2 doesn't work because
XLink isn't supported yet, 3 works to a very small extent, but with emphasis
on the "small", and 4 is a hack for now because it uses "classes", but at
least it works:
Tough call on what is the best approach...altohugh I would suggest a
combination of 3 & 4 for now.

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
"Perhaps, but let's not get bogged down in semantics."
   - Homer J. Simpson, BABF07.

Received on Saturday, 25 November 2000 16:26:40 UTC