Please review: Techniques For Evaluation And Implementation Of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Authoring Tool WG (AUWG),
Web Content WG (WCAG WG),
and WAI IG,

The Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERWG) has been working on 
the Techniques For Evaluation And Implementation Of Web Content 
Accessibility Guidelines [1].  This document describes techniques that Web 
accessibility validation tools may use to evaluate the conformance of HTML 
documents to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG 1.0). This 
document also describes techniques that Web authoring tools may use to help 
authors modify HTML documents to conform to WCAG 1.0. We anticipate that 
tool developers may develop accessibility validation and/or repair modules 
to be incorporated into commercial authoring tools, validation tools, and 
perhaps user agents.

The ERWG believes this document is ready to be published as a public 
working draft, but would like comments from AUWG, WCAG WG, and WAI IG 
before moving forward.  This document still needs work - thus it is a 
working draft.  You will notice several double at-signs (@@) throughout the 
document which mark open issues, questions, and other to-do's.  There is 
also a list of to-do's at the beginning of the document.  We would 
appreciate comments on these as well as any other comments that you may have.

This review period will end Thursday, April 6 2000.  Please send review 
comments before that date to  Archives for this list 
are at

wendy chisholm (for the ER working group)

wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative
madison, wi usa
tel: +1 608 663 6346

Received on Wednesday, 15 March 2000 13:58:14 UTC