Re: Technique 6.3.1 [priority 1] Verify that the page is usable when programmatic objects are disabled.

At 2000-07-24 16:43-0400, Chris Ridpath wrote:
>It looks to me that technique 6.3.1 (verify that the page is usable when
>programmatic objects are disabled) is covered by technique 1.1 (Provide a
>text equivalent for every non-text element). The specific techniques are:
>1.1.4 [priority 1] Check APPLET elements...
>1.1.5 [priority 1] Check OBJECT elements...
>1.1.10 [priority 1] Check SCRIPT elements...
>If we have a text equivalent for the programmatic object then the page is
>usable when the programmatic object is disabled.

How do we propose to get around the limitation of just a static text
description of dynamically delivered information from the programmatic object?
Is that really a "text equivalent?" As a minimum, do we need to clarify
that scripts generating/delivering/transforming text objects can replace a 
static description for some user agents at least?

>Make sense?


Received on Wednesday, 26 July 2000 17:04:25 UTC