Re:: 6.2.A Check the source of FRAME and IFRAME elements for valid markup files.

>Check the source of FRAME and IFRAME elements
>for valid markup files.
>Discussion Status:
>awaiting discussion
>FRAME or IFRAME "src" attribute is not a valid markup file.  In other words
>it must be an HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, or other valid markup.
>Valid "src" attribute values must have a suffix of ".htm," ".html,"
>".shtm," ".shtml," ".cfm," ".cfml," ".asp," ".cgi," ".pl" (

Guideline Checkpoint 6.2 says
Ensure that equivalents for dynamic content are updated when the dynamic 
content changes.
The Guideline technique doc then says
Refer to 4.10.4 Always make the source of a frame an HTML document .

First of all, I've got a wcag question.
Although I agree with 4.10.4, requiring HTML, what does it have to do with 
checkpoint 6.2, updating dynamic content?

Also, looking at 4.10.4, it's not enough to have a cgi, pl, etc suffix 
because cgi scripts can produce anything, including images, which are 
(properly) forbidden by 4.10.4.


Leonard R. Kasday, Ph.D.
Institute on Disabilities/UAP, and
Department of Electrical Engineering
Temple University
423 Ritter Annex, Philadelphia, PA 19122

(215) 204-2247 (voice)
(800) 750-7428 (TTY)

Received on Sunday, 30 January 2000 21:04:45 UTC