Re: ER dependencies with authoring tools

aloha, charles!

Charles asked:
>Is it satisfactory to resolve this by proposing the use of online services or
>of external tools and plug-ins as a technique?

well, when i originally wrote up my potential dependency statement, i ended
with the phrase:

"hmm...  am i getting soft in my old age, or just realpolitiky?"

but to answer your question, i think that resolution can be achieved by
proposing the use of online services as a technique -- i'm not so confident
about including external tools or plugins, however, unless the external tool or
plugin has a built-in "Check for Update" option (or, at the very least, if such
an update option for the ERT is available via the AU tool)

to me, the essential point is getting _some_ sort of ER capacity built-into AU
tools, and whilst i personally don't know if this is the optimal solution, it
_is_ a potential solution (or, if you prefer, kludge)

yes, it ties the evaluation of a work-in-progress to an online entity, which
requires that the author be connected to the internet when running the
evaluation, but it also keeps the ERT from becoming stale and out-moded, which
is -- at least in my opinion -- a greater threat to accessibility than having
to be online when one wants to evaluate the accessibility of one's work...


He that lives on Hope, dies farting
     -- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1763
Gregory J. Rosmaita <>
   President, WebMaster, & Minister of Propaganda, 
        VICUG NYC <>

Received on Wednesday, 22 September 1999 14:19:01 UTC