Re: list of existing tools

aloha, wendy!

as to the question of which tool is my personal favorite, i have to admit to
being addicted to HTML Tidy, and not just because i'm addicted to the command

i'd also score the offline version of Bobby high marks -- especially when used
with the IBM SVK...

and, of course, there is A-Prompt, which is going to be the undisputed
heavyweight champion in the interactive ER tools class...  (is there a reason
why the A-Prompt Project site
isn't linked-to off of the Existing ER Tools page?)

i never had the patience to try out HTML-Kit, a GUI interface kit that includes
HTML Tidy, but have heard good things from the blindless colleagues to whom
i've sent a copy...

as for reviews, i'm not aware of any that the ER WG or IG has undertaken
formally...  are you looking for something similar to the evaluations currently
being done for AU and UA?

oh, and one last thought -- the title of the page located at:
quote Existing WAI ER Tools list unquote is misleading -- it sounds as if the
list is comprised of tools that originated within the WAI, rather than a
reference list of existing ER tools...  by the way, the list of ER tools isn't
linked to the WAI References list, although some of the tools on it are...

He that lives on Hope, dies farting
     -- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1763
Gregory J. Rosmaita <>
   WebMaster and Minister of Propaganda, VICUG NYC

Received on Saturday, 23 October 1999 00:52:27 UTC