Re: Prompt vs Ask

aloha, len!

i like your reformulation, 
   Require the user to provide alternate text for the image

the reason that such verbiage probably wouldn't fly with the AU WG, however, is
that "Require" has restrictive connotations -- such as, if you don't add ALT
text, i won't let you save this page or publish straight to the web... 
developers whose advice has been solicited by the AU WG bristle at such a
connotation, and while the ATAG doesn't preclude a developer from instituting
such a restrictive policy, it certainly doesn't require such Draconian
measures, either...

(Note: ASWedit, an authoring tool that works in the Unix/Linux environment,
won't let you save a page with invalid markup as html, or so i've been told --
for more details, consult Charles' McN's evaluation of ASWedit, located at:

as for hyperlinking the term "Prompt" to a definition, that is precisely what
the AU WG resolved to do...

the proposed re-insertion of the term "Prompt" in ATAG checkpoint 4.2, by the
way, was originally questioned by a W3C member organization's representative to
the AU WG, who was satisfied that his concerns (and the concerns raised by
developers in the corporation which he represents, and from whom he had
solicited feedback on ATAG) were allayed by simply hyperlinking to the


ACCOUNTABILITY, n.  The mother of caution.
                        -- Ambrose Bierce, _The Devil's Dictionary_
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Received on Thursday, 21 October 1999 17:56:34 UTC